Heater Safety Tips_ Protecting Your Home and Family

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing an electric heater.


Heaters can be one of the most important pieces of your home's heating system. They're often the only source of heat in a cold climate, and it's important to make sure that they're in good working condition so that you and your family are safe. Here are some tips for keeping an eye on your heater:

Install carbon monoxide detectors near bedrooms.

Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless gas that's produced when fuels burn incompletely. It can cause illness or even death if you inhale it.

Carbon monoxide detectors can be purchased at any hardware store for about $20 to $40 each (though some models cost around $100). They're easy to install and come in many different styles—some even have wireless capabilities so you don't have to run wires through your walls.

Make sure your smoke detectors are working.

  • Make sure your smoke detectors are working.

You should have at least one working smoke detector in each bedroom, on every level of your home and outside. If you’re having trouble hearing them or they aren’t going off when there is a fire, replace them immediately. Smoke detectors also need regular testing so that they can be replaced if needed (and before 10-year expiration dates). The best way to test whether your smoke detector has been damaged is by holding up one hand over it and listening for any chirp sounds coming from inside the unit itself; if you hear no sound whatsoever then try shaking it gently while another person calls out the directions: “Shake hard! Shake hard! Shaken again!”

Schedule a maintenance inspection.

If you’re like most people, your heater is in place for a good reason. It keeps your family warm and comfortable during the winter months, but it can also be dangerous if not maintained properly.

If you want to make sure that your heater is safe and efficient year-round (and even if you don't), schedule an annual maintenance inspection from a qualified technician. The best thing about this process is that it's easy—just call up one of our trusted partners today!

Keep your heater clean and well-maintained.

  • Clean your heater regularly. If you don't clean your heating system, it can become clogged with dust and debris over time. This will reduce its efficiency and may cause damage to components such as burners or coils.
  • Keep the filters clean on all types of heaters (boilers, furnaces). This is especially important for boilers since they need to be cleaned regularly in order to prevent bacteria from growing inside them.
  • Replace filter baskets at least once per year in order for them not to clog up with dirt and grime which would then cause a serious fire hazard if not cleaned out properly first thing every morning before use!

Know the signs of a poorly-functioning heater.

If you're having trouble keeping your heater running smoothly, there's a good chance that it's not functioning as well as it should be. While all heaters are susceptible to problems, some are more prone than others.

  • Noisy or humming noise: The first sign of a poorly-functioning unit is when you notice a strange noise coming from the air conditioner or heating system in your home. This could be caused by high utility bills and/or elevated carbon monoxide levels that indicate something is not right with the furnace or water heater.
  • High utility bills: A common problem with old furnaces and boilers is that they need replacement due to corrosion around their components; this can lead to higher than normal monthly expenses related specifically around fuel usage (i.,e., electricity).

Keep flammable items away from the heater.

Keep flammable items away from the heater.

  • Items that can be damaged by heat, including:
  • Plastic or vinyl furniture
  • Mattresses and box springs (keep them away from the heater)
  • Items that can catch fire, including:
  • Plants/shrubs/flowers on windowsills/curtains around your house (the heat from the heater will dry out their leaves and cause them to burn)

Consider buying a heater with tip-over protection.

Tip-over protection is a good safety feature for children in the home. It prevents the heater from tipping over, making sure it stays upright and out of reach of curious little fingers. Tip-over protection can be added to any heater for a small fee, but some models come with tip-over protection already built in (this also means you won’t have to pay extra).

Tip-over protection isn't just useful for children: adults with limited mobility or young pets should consider adding this feature as well! If you have an elderly parent who might be unable to reach their heating system without help from another family member or friend, then getting them a model with tip-over protection will ensure nobody gets hurt if something happens during those cold winter months when everyone's feeling kind of grouchy about being trapped indoors together all day long—and then again at night when everyone else goes home after work ends early because there aren't enough hours in one day anymore due how busy things get around here nowadays (and then again tomorrow because Monday starts Wednesday).

Your family's safety is worth the small investment in extra attention and inspection for your home heating system.

  • Your family's safety is worth the small investment in extra attention and inspection for your home heating system.
  • Carbon monoxide detectors are important to have around the house, as they will alert you when carbon monoxide (CO) levels start rising in your home. CO is a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning fossil fuels like natural gas or propane. This can lead to headaches, nausea and death if you don't get it out of your house quickly enough!
  • Cleanliness is also very important with regards to fuel supply lines and other potential sources of contamination such as dust particles from outside or even pet hair during winter months when we're all indoors most days anyway!


We hope you’ve learned a lot about how to keep your home safe and healthy. While it might be tempting to think that the whole process of taking care of an older heating system is too much work, it really isn’t. By following these tips and doing routine maintenance on any heating systems in your home, you can greatly reduce your risk of injury or death due to carbon monoxide poisoning or other accidents associated with an improperly maintained heater—and save yourself some money along the way!
