Oven Safety_ Tips for Preventing Accidents and Fires

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing a blacksmith using an oven.


The kitchen is one of the most dangerous places to be in an emergency. It's where we prepare food for our loved ones, and it can also be where we keep our valuables and other important items. If you're looking for ways to keep your kitchen safe, consider these tips:

1. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it.

  • Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it.
  • A fire extinguisher is a great safety tool for any home, but especially so if you have kids or pets that love to cook. If you’re cooking and something goes awry, there may be no time to put out the flames with water before they spread throughout your house or into an electrical socket—so having an extinguisher nearby could be crucial in saving lives! You can find these at hardware stores or big-box retailers like Home Depot and Lowe's (or even Wal-Mart). Even if it's not required by law for every state, it's always better safe than sorry when dealing with fires—and having one ready could save plenty of food from going up in smoke!

2. Place a sturdy oven liner on the floor of your oven.

  • Use a sturdy oven liner on the floor of your oven. This will help contain spills and prevent fires. Oven liners are made of special fire-resistant material, so they can be cut to fit any size of oven and are available at most home improvement stores. They are easy to install, but you may need help from an expert if you have an old or heavy-duty model (this is especially true if it doesn't have wheels).
  • Don't leave anything in the bottom of your oven while it's heating up — even oil or water! The heat concentrated there could cause an explosion or fire resulting in serious damage to both property and people around you

3. Never, ever leave flammable objects near the oven when it is in use.

  • Never, ever leave flammable objects near the oven when it is in use.

It's easy to forget that there are things that can catch fire and burn, but they're just as dangerous if they're not actively lit (like a candle). If you have any candles or other flammable items stored around your kitchen, make sure they are out of reach of children and pets! The same goes for foodstuffs on the floor—you don't want anyone getting into them while your oven is running!

4. Always check that all burners are turned off before going to bed or leaving the house for any length of time.

  • Always check that all burners are turned off before going to bed or leaving the house for any length of time.
  • Turn off the stove and oven, as well as other appliances that may be left on while you're gone, such as a gas oven's burners or electric range's cooktop elements.
  • Check that there is no pilot light remaining in your gas range by checking underneath it and around its perimeter (if it has one). If there is still a glow, turn off all electrical power immediately; otherwise wait until morning when you can safely operate with no risk of starting an electrical fire due to residual heat from another appliance left running after its time was up.

5. Don't let kids play with oven controls or get 
too close.

  • Don't let kids play with oven controls.
  • Don't let kids get too close to the oven.
  • Don't let kids touch hot surfaces.
  • Don't allow children to play with the oven while it's on (unless you're using a baking bag).

6. Do not cover vents or openings of any kind with aluminum foil or other obstacles.

  • Do not cover vents or openings of any kind with aluminum foil or other obstacles.

Ventilation is important for safety and efficiency, but when you're cooking food in your oven, it's also crucial to make sure that the airflow stays open and free-flowing. You can do this by keeping food out of contact with the walls or ceiling of the oven so that air can circulate freely inside—and if there are any obstructions like aluminum foil or plastic wrap covering vents or openings, they should be removed immediately before cooking begins.

7. Never, ever operate your stove if there is an electrical problem, even a minor one such as flickering lights or an outlet that works only sporadically. Call an electrician immediately and do not use the stove until the problem is fixed by a professional.

  • Never, ever operate your stove if there is an electrical problem, even a minor one such as flickering lights or an outlet that works only sporadically. Call an electrician immediately and do not use the stove until the problem is fixed by a professional.

If you continue to use your stove after finding out about this issue, then you are risking an electrical fire in your home (and possibly even death).

8. Clean your stove regularly, inside and out, and remove grease buildup from vents and around burners for optimal operation and efficiency (and to prevent fires).

Clean your stove regularly, inside and out, and remove grease buildup from vents and around burners for optimal operation and efficiency (and to prevent fires).

  • Clean the stove top with a damp cloth. Wipe it down with soap if necessary.
  • Remove grease buildup from the oven door with a paper towel or cloth dampened in hot water then wrung out well before wiping down again with a soft cloth. If you have trouble removing this kind of grime on your own, take it to an appliance repair shop that can do it right away!

It's possible to have a safe kitchen with a working oven if you follow these guidelines for preventing accidents and fires.

It's possible to have a safe kitchen with a working oven if you follow these guidelines for preventing accidents and fires.

  • Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. If you or your family members are ever caught in an accident involving hot liquids, it's important to have an extinguisher nearby so that they can quickly use it if needed.
  • Place a sturdy oven liner on the floor of your oven. This will help prevent grease and other materials from spilling out onto the floor if there is any sort of accident or spillage within it (which we hope doesn't happen!).


By following these tips, you can keep your oven safe for cooking and baking. In addition to being a great source of food and fuel, the oven is also a necessary tool in any home. If something goes wrong with yours, call an electrician immediately so they can repair it as quickly as possible.
