The Top 5 Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Speaker

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing woofer speakers.


A speaker is a small piece of equipment that can play music or other sounds. The reason you might want one is that it can be used when you're at home, in the car, or even outdoors. So how do you know which type of speaker is right for your needs? Here are five factors that should help:

Type and Use

The type of music you listen to and the speakers you use will determine what kind of speaker is ideal for your needs. You may have a specific type of music that requires certain characteristics in your speakers, or perhaps it's just a matter of preference. The same goes for whether or not your purchase will be used primarily indoors or outdoors; this can also influence which model might be best suited for either scenario.

If possible, try listening to different types of music with each variety before deciding on one particular brand or model. If you find yourself gravitating toward certain genres more than others, that could help narrow down the search even further!


The next factor to consider is portability. The ability to take your speakers anywhere means that you can use them in any setting, whether it's at home or on the road. If you're looking for a portable speaker that can be placed on top of your desk or carried around during meetings with colleagues, this is an important property. It's also important because some people prefer not having their speakers in plain sight; if this is something that works for you then go ahead and skip over this!

If you want a speaker system which will allow for more flexibility when traveling then look no further than something like the Bose SoundLink Mini Portable Bluetooth Speaker (or even better yet: both!). These devices are so small they fit right into airplane seats without taking up much space at all - perfect for those long flights!

Size and Design

The size of your speaker is important. You want to make sure that you can carry it around easily, especially if you are going to be taking it with you on long walks or hikes. It’s also good to think about how much sound pressure a given speaker will emit before buying one because this can affect how well they work in different environments.

In terms of design and appearance, there are several things that matter when choosing a Bluetooth speaker:

  • How does it look? Does it look like something from Star Wars? Is it too modern for its own good (or worse)? Are there any holes in its shell? Does this thing make me want to throw myself off cliffs into rivers so that I might feel some semblance of joy again?
  • Does the shape fit my hand comfortably while holding a cup from Starbucks (or whatever else) at the same time as drinking said cup without spilling even an ounce onto myself or anyone else nearby who might be standing nearby (and potentially getting hit by said spilled liquid)? If not then maybe save yourself some money and go ahead with another option instead instead!

Sound Quality and Features

Sound quality is the most important factor in purchasing a speaker. It’s important to find a speaker with better sound quality, because it will be worth the extra money.

  • Frequency response range: Speakers should have a good frequency response range of between 20Hz and 20kHz (20kHz being the highest frequency audible to humans). The higher this is, the better your music will sound overall. * Sound pressure level: If you want to feel like your music is playing through speakers with as much power as possible, look for speakers with high SPL levels; however, make sure that they don't distort at high volumes! * Impedance: Make sure that all of your speakers are matched correctly so they can handle all types of audio sources without any problems or distortion occurring between them - especially if those sources include low-quality files such as MP3s/WAVs!


Price is a factor, but not the only one. The price of a speaker should be in line with its quality and features. If you're looking for something that'll last you years, then paying a little more up front will get you better results in the long run.

If you're on a budget and want to save some money by buying used equipment or refurbished products (and don't mind sacrificing some of their premium features), then that's your decision to make—just keep in mind that these things may not perform as well as brand new ones would have done when purchased new at full retail price.

Consider these factors when purchasing a speaker.

When purchasing a speaker, you want to make sure that it's the right size for your needs and won't take up too much space in your home or office. It's also important to consider portability when choosing which brand of speakers will work best for you.

If sound quality is what's most important to you, then look at features such as Bluetooth connectivity or multi-room capabilities. Price should also be taken into account when making decisions on what kind of speaker system would fit best within your budget; there are many cheaper options out there (although they may not sound as good). You can also think about whether this purchase will serve multiple purposes—such as listening during workouts at the gym or playing music outside during summertime BBQs—by looking at how long each device lasts before needing replacement parts or repairs; some brands offer warranties on their products so customers know exactly how long they'll need before having issues arise again."


We hope this guide has helped you learn more about the factors to consider when purchasing a speaker. It is important to determine what type of speaker will work best for your needs before making any purchases. Remember that not all speakers are created equal, so it really pays off when buying from an established brand like UE or Bose. Also, keep in mind that if something sounds great but doesn't feel comfortable in hand or seems bulky compared to others on the market then consider other options before making your final decision!
