Kasa Smart Light Bulb Review: Magic for Space!

Daniel Mwangi
By -
An image showing a picture of Kasa Smart Bulb

The Kasa Smart Bulb is a dimmable, color-changing LED light bulb that allows you to turn your space into any mood you want. This A19 LED light bulb uses only 2.4 GHz WiFi and has a built-in speaker. The Kasa Smart Bulb can connect to Alexa and Google Home through your home Wi-Fi network without a hub or hubbell device. It also has nine different pre-programmed settings that include Sunrise/Sunset and Starry Night modes as well as User Selectable Timers (like Wake Up). Using your voice with Alexa or Google Assistant is easy!

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If you're on the lookout for an efficient lighting solution that can add a touch of magic to your space, then the Kasa Smart Light Bulb may be just what you need! And here's the good news: at "Latest Reviews," we've got you covered with a comprehensive review of this smart light bulb. We delve deep into its features, performance, and user-friendliness to provide you with a well-rounded understanding of what this product has to offer. So, whether you're looking to set the perfect ambiance for a cozy night in or need an energy-efficient solution to light up your workspace, our review of the Kasa Smart Light Bulb has got you covered. Keep reading to find out more!

Kasa Smart Light Bulb Review: Transform Your Space with Dimmable, Color Changing Magic!

The Kasa Smart Bulb is a dimmable, color-changing LED light bulb. If you're looking for something that can transform your space with its color changing ability, this might be the product for you.

The Kasa Smart Bulb features a full spectrum of colors that can change depending on the intensity of the room's lighting. This means it won't just light up your room with warm yellow tones in every room--it will also provide enough brightness to illuminate darker areas while still maintaining its natural glow once it reaches full brightness (which is controlled by an app).

Kasa Smart Bulb is a dimmable, color-changing LED light bulb.

As you may have guessed, this bulb is a dimmable LED light bulb. It can be controlled with your smartphone, allowing you to set the brightness to what you need and when you need it. The color changing feature is pretty cool too because it will change colors based on the time of day (blue at night), or if it's raining outside (rainbow).

The A19 size means it fits most standard household sockets (120V).

This bulb is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, so you can control it through your voice. There are also IFTTT recipes that allow you to create custom commands; for example, if the temperature drops below 50 degrees in your home while it's raining outside, the lights will turn red. The bulb comes in both warm white (2700K) and cool white (6500K).

The Kasa Smart Bulb features a full spectrum of colors that can change depending on the intensity of the room's lighting.

The Kasa Smart Bulb features a full spectrum of colors that can change depending on the intensity of the room's lighting. It also has an adjustable dimmer, so you can make sure your bulbs are at their best no matter what time of day it is.

The Kasa Smart Bulb is designed to be controlled with voice commands through Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant; simply say "Alexa" or "OK Google," and then ask her to turn on/off your lights! This means no more fumbling around trying to find the right switch at night--or even worse, accidentally turning them off while you're trying to sleep!

The device has three different modes: off (default), warm white, and cool white. All three have five color options including red, orange/yellow/green light; blue/white light; purple-blue light; purple-red light; green-white light

This A19 LED light bulb uses only 2.4 GHz WiFi and has a built-in speaker.

WiFi is a wireless technology, so you can think of it as something like Bluetooth. It's used to connect devices that are within range of each other and allows them to communicate with each other.

  • 4 GHz WiFi is a frequency range used by many common household electronics such as smartphones and laptops, but also includes things like your light bulb! That's right: if you own an A19 LED light bulb from Kasa Smart (and why wouldn't you?), it comes with built-in speaker technology that makes listening to music easy and fun!

In addition to being able to play music through its speakers while they're plugged into outlets around your home or office space, these lights will also change color depending on what time it is--from blue when it's morning until white at night--so there's no need for timers anymore!

The Kasa Smart Bulb can connect to Alexa and Google Home through your home Wi-Fi network without a hub or hubbell device.

The Kasa Smart Bulb can connect to Alexa and Google Home through your home Wi-Fi network without a hub or hubbell device. This means you don't have to worry about losing power if the bulb is turned off, or if you are not in range of an outlet.

The Kasa Smart Bulb offers features like temperature control and scheduling functionality, which allow you to set up automated lighting routines that turn on at certain times of day without having to manually switch them on yourself.

The Kasa Smart Bulb has nine different pre-programmed settings that include Sunrise/Sunset and Starry Night modes as well as User Selectable Timers (like Wake Up).

The Kasa Smart Bulb has nine different pre-programmed settings that include Sunrise/Sunset and Starry Night modes as well as User Selectable Timers (like Wake Up).

You'll need to download the free Kasa app on your phone or computer, then connect the device wireless to your Wi-Fi network. After that, you can use it as you would any other light bulb--just plug in! You'll be able to see what time of day it is by looking at its color; when night falls, check out how bright it's getting compared to day time.

Once installed in your home or office space(s), this little guy will make sure there's always enough light where you need it most--whether that means helping with homework before bedtime or keeping track of those last few minutes before closing shift at work/school...

Kasa Smart Bulb is a great option for anyone who's looking to upgrade their home or office lighting.

Using your voice with Alexa or Google Assistant is easy!

If you've ever used an Alexa or Google Assistant device, then you already know how easy it is to use your voice with these smart devices. But what if there was one more way? Well that's what Kasa Smart Light Bulb is all about! The Kasa Smart Light Bulb uses its built-in microphone and speaker to turn on/off any connected appliance by simply saying "Alexa, turn on my lights". It also has a built-in motion sensor so if someone walks into your house while they're off, they'll automatically turn back on before they leave again (the same goes for their dogs).

Pros and Cons


  • Color changing light bulbs are a great way to add some fun and whimsy into your home.
  • They're also a great way to save energy, which is important if you want to lower your carbon footprint in the long term.


  • Some people may find them distracting--but if you're looking for some fun in the room, then these might be just what you need!

They're also a bit more expensive than other types of light bulbs. If you're looking for a quick and easy way to save money on your electric bill, LED light bulbs might not be the best option for you.

Why You Need This Product

This product is the perfect way to add some color and ambiance to your space. It's easy to use, affordable, convenient and fun. You can also get it at a good value because it works with Alexa and Google Home which means you won't have to worry about losing track of where you left things around your house or forgetful about turning off lights when you leave for work in the morning!

The lightbulb itself has nine different settings so that you can adjust its brightness from dimming down at night all the way up through full brightness during daytime hours without any problems whatsoever (and no eye strain).

The product is available in three different color options, which means that you can change the look of your space simply by swapping out the bulbs. The other cool thing about this lightbulb is that it has a remote control for adjusting brightness and color or turning off/on with just one click! If you need to adjust settings from afar, this is definitely a feature worth considering.


If you're looking for a smart light bulb that can transform your space into something magical, then Kasa Smart Bulb is what you need. The product has all of the amazing features we've come to expect from this type of product and more! You'll be able to change the color, brightness and even turn it off with just one command from your phone or computer.
